Lovely staff, amazing service... Beautiful Molly the dog sometimes greets you at reception with her big, bright eyes and calm and peaceful quiet nature.
I was carrying around chronic pain that I thought I would never get rid of. I’m managing to stay pain-free through the week now and I’m over the moon!
I am amazed and awe struck at how massages can be deeply intuitive, powerful and effective.
- S.A.
I felt safe, heard, validated and a little less alone.
Truly the best therapeutic and deep relaxation massage I have had. Highly recommended!
Fantastic practitioners. Gorgeous rooms. Owned & operated by a locally-living Goddess of sorts. This place is a real wellness centre!
Everyone who works here is full of knowledge and I love the happy vibes.
Hands down the best massage I’ve ever had. Have already booked in for my next one.

Trauma Release Therapy

trauma release therapyTrauma Release Therapy is a type of somatic (meaning of the body) therapy that focuses on easing the physical and emotional symptoms of trauma in daily life. Looking through the lens of the mind-body connection, we can notice how overwhelming emotions and intrusive thoughts and physical responses to traumatic experiences can become ‘trapped’ in the body.

Somatic therapy helps to release this pent-up tension and emotions.

Your therapist uses emotional regulation mindset coaching, body awareness, breathwork and movement exercises to help you become more aware of bodily sensations and release stored emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

Here are just some of the goals our clients bring to these sessions:

  • Rewire the nervous system to rekindle a sense of safety in the body.
  • Reduce the intensity and frequency of triggers, flashbacks, and nightmares.
  • Safely shift traumatic memories to relieve worry and reduce intrusive thoughts.
  • Support insomnia, restore sleep and deep rest.
  • Restore a calm sense of softness in the body.
  • Rebalance gut health to reduce depressive symptoms.
  • Rekindle self-agency and acceptance to make space for processing loss and grief.
  • Deeply validate and release feelings of fear, loss, shame, and anger.
  • Reframe deep association with loss and grief to closure and repair.
  • Soothe and ground the nervous system and body into the present by attuning to the self.
  • Reconnect to self-compassion to reduce patterns of addiction and shame.
  • Transform feelings of sadness and grief into feelings of acceptance and hope.



  • 60 minutes ~ $200
  • 90 minutes ~ $250